Apr 5, 2006
we go religious on yo'@ss...
The Show Notes
two plus one...never ever come back...is it battery powered...a big
asp...pcd...haircut...mohawk friends...daylight savings...asian
cheerleaders...he handles himself like a 50 year old man...that was
all a phase...we learned how to play foosball in college...the
man...gun toting, white power hating, vegetable eater...soldier of
god...getting slapped...private, catholic school...getting
spanked...hot for teacher...upon further thought, i retract my
statement...toughen up
Filipino Word of the Day : simbahan - church
Ron Villanueva - filipino running for re-election
for Virginia Beach City Council
Lyndon Remias
- filipino running for Virginia Beach School Board
Asp Baton
Gonzaga Cheerleaders
Debra Lafave - middle school teacher who had
relations with a student
email us: thesinigang@gmail.com
voicemail: 206-666-gang(4264)
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el, speaking of the internet and ODU, i remember back in the days taking a break from work, surfing the net in amazement of all the free porn that use to be available, i remember all of us sitting back one of the computer labs all looking at the same shit.
Anyways good show, and i\'m listening in from korea makes me feel like i\'m at home.
later, glen