Aug 24, 2005
NEW VOICEMAIL : 206-666-GANG / 206-666-4264
Our longest episode yet...Burning from's making me happy...we're badasss, we go to jail...infinite pool...jacques cousteau...small talk with boring bar...i only drink on special occasions...Gamma Ray's operation...addicted to sudoku...what's up bob...the 40-year old virgin...the great raid...bakla...filipino veterans...more american idol filipinas to gaga over...
Filipino Word of the Day : Bakla - Homosexual
New DVD of the moment:
An Evening With Kevin Smith
The Show Notes
Ocean 31 Hilton - the restaurants and going ons at
the new oceanfront hotel.
Sudoku - addicting Japanese numbers puzzle.
Web Sudoku - a
free online version of Sudoku
Skype -
free internet telephone service.
Kevin Smith's
website - site that features all of kevin smith's projects and
his online journal. Currently he's featuring updates as he films
the upcoming Clerks 2 movie.
40-Year-Old Virgin - official website of the funniest
movie of the summer!! 4.5 San Miguels from Lboogy
Great Raid - Official website of the WWII movie based on the
rescue of POWs in the Philippines.
Great Raid Info - some information on the WWII
rescue mission in the philippines that is depicted in the new movie
"The Great Raid".
Bakla - tagalog dictionary.
American Idol Audition
info - some stuff to know if you want to be the next Kelly
Clarkson... or william hung.
email us:
voicemail: 206-666-gang / 206-666-4264
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