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The Sini-Gang are pinoys depicting a slice of Filipino-American life in Virginia Beach, VA via a weekly, light-hearted Podcast. We discuss anything and everything, and we call 'em as we see 'em through our Filipino-American eyes. Don't take us too seriously though, we don't.

Apr 26, 2006

Download Episode 47 here

Gamma Ray is back...and so is the toilet humor...and so is our explicit tag

The Show Notes
back together in full force...gamma's eyed peas and pussycat dolls...teenie boppers and slater screwed up...flipper...picking fruits...farmer playboy...washing rice...aloha's game...buko is ant...0 to 10...healthy and regular...gamma's catfish...

Filipino Word of the Day : Aloha Al took over the word this week... I'm sure it's self explanatory.


coming later...

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voicemail: 206-202-gang(4264)
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Soni Token
eighteen and a half years ago

Congratulations Aloha Al!!! What a nice way to suprise the Gang!!! Great show guys!!!

eighteen and a half years ago

The birth needs to be available as a videocast or the boys can eat the placenta on a show.

Aloha Al
eighteen and a half years ago

Thanks for the congrats everyone. Mr. Aloha Al, our daughter, and I are looking forward to adding another member to the Sini-gang. Sorry Obet, the boys won\'t be partaking of any placenta.

eighteen and a half years ago

Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Aloha Al!!!