Jan 26, 2006
Aloha Al - just one of the guys
The Show Notes
i'm tired - show notes will come later
Filipino Word of the Day : laban prep. against. laban sa kanya. Against him. lumaban (-um-) v. to fight against. Lumaban siya sa digmaan. He fought in the war.
Random Thought: Sini-Gang / Our Gang,
Sterno's Duct Tape Wallet
Pambato Ng Bayan by Sevenes - a tribute to Manny Pacquiao
and all the Filipino boxers out there.
Sevenes - talented young pinoy rapper out of
Sini-Gang Shirts!
email us: thesinigang@gmail.com
voicemail: 206-666-gang(4264)
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I just realize that the previous post from me sounded off. My typing was bad. Sorry.. I\'m just hoping you all know what I was trying to say. Maybe I should stick to leaving voice messages. Everytime I post, I get a call comes in.. I\'m SICK OF WORKING 3rd SHIFT now.. Okay
I\'m just venting on your site. .and I\'m done now.. *breaths*
I called the voicemail and left the request for the song. Hopefully you guys know what I was saying. I started an audio blog account and you can get back to me there if you like or at 206-202-1795. Thanks.
Eleanor, I\'m not a musical expert like L-Boogy. And I don\'t personally recall the song. But I found a song called \"Alibis\" by Martika on iTunes. Is this close?
Sterno: No that\'s not the song. I thought at first but when looking at the lyrics, it wasn\'t the same Ugh. I had that song on Tape Cassette but I lost the tape. And we all know it\'s all about CD & Mp3\'s now.. Thanks Sterno for trying to help. If you find something else, let me know
OMG, ya\'ll are a bunch of rascals! XP
Congrats to Pinoy Playboy! Pinay Playgirl, welcome to the world! Pinoy, in case my VM didn\'t come across well, one word of advice when it comes to parenthood: get the wife to bottle the baby\'s milk. That way you can take turns feeding and she\'ll get to actually sleep 4-6 hours long every once in a while. If you thought her emotions go awry in the 3rd trimester, wait until sleep deprivation sets in. Good job with the diapers! My little boy can go thru a 40pk in just over 4 days! And if you bottle the milk, the baby will start to sleep longer and longer between feedings. My boy Qai only has a 10 day jump on your little girl, but he is up to 3-4 hours between feedings! There is hope...lol. Good luck & congrats again!
Yeah the Lime Green there Gamma is unique. Did you ever get the Belt Buckle you wanted? i can\'t remember if you mentioned it or not. I\'m sure you. I remember walking around the Spectrum (shipping centre in Irvine, CA) and they had this booth dedicated to Belt Buckles. Really cools ones. I thought of you when I passed by. I wanted to get you one but I thought, \"Where the heck would I send it anyways?\" SO of course I didn\'t get it.
And wow you guys added Aloha Al. I\'m lovin it! The lil rascals are adorable..
Hey someone tell me. There\'s this song that I really need to know who sang it. It\'s back in the dayz type music when Cynthia, Sweet Senation, ect.. Since I hear LBoogy is the master Music Man, Maybe he can help me with it. LBOOGY, If I sing it (maybe if I have the courage to sing on your vmail) Do you think you can tell me? I don\'t want to try to sing it if you won\'t get back to me on it.. Someone ask him for me??
Post a photo of Aloha Al on RateFilipinos.com. When you make fun of Sterno, you need to include the lisp.
Gamma, I listened to Eleanor\'s message, and yes, she does have a nice voice.
Eleanor, thanks for the message. It didn\'t go through on the first try but the second went fine. I did post a link to the Duct Tape wallet in the show notes. (I like it no matter what anyone says.) We appreciate the kind words.
BTW: Obet & Chica, I know that it\'s really late, but we also appreciate the voice mail that you left for us.
Gamma jokes my alleged Star Trek jacket, but during the last podcast he was sporting this questionable fashion accessory. Yikes!
Lime green? Can you say.. PIMP? XP
Gamma...don\'t dis the Duct! And I know you\'re all for the green, but I don\'t know about that belt, G.
OH, CONGRATS, PLAYBOY ON THE NEW ADDITION!! Best wishes to you and your family, brotha.
WOw.. The men of sini-gang are all here. Well Lboogy is missing in here. It\'s great Pinoy playboy was able to have time to comment. Ya know Playboy, Aloha Al did a great job in your spot on this episode.
Oh and Sterno. I saw the pic of the wallet. I actually like it. It wasn\'t like I visioned it to be. Pretty cool Sterno
Gamma Ray: Me sounding sexy.. eh hem. NOT! lol Try sounding sexy on a crappy cell phone past midnite at work. Even though nobody works with me, I was tired. But hey, if I did, that would be a compliment. But I\'m sure I was crackly ..
Well can\'t wait for the next show..
Yay! Couldn\'t wait and ended up listening to this episode today.
Aww, why\'s everyone pickin on Sterno!? *sends out geeky otaku luv* XP
We miss ya Playboy!
Props to Aloha Al!
Mishi, it\'s becasue he\'s an easy target. I bet one day he kills the rest of the guys.
OMG Obet!!!.. j/k.. yeah they pick on him alot.
Hey sini-gang. I left a voice message. I was wondering if you guys got it. I recorded it but I think I pressed the wrong button so I wasn\'t sure if it saved. Let me know on here.
What da hell, guys? Why are you doggin\' my Duct Tape wallet that I gave Sterno for Christmas?? Damn, that says MAN all the way. And it\'ll be a great conversation piece in da Strip Club!
Great job, anyway, folks! Always fun to hear you.
Congratulations to Pinoy Playboy!!
I\'m going to leave a voice message. Check your messages guys.